CivicTheme release 1.8

Last updated: 8 Aug 2024

We are excited to announce the release of CivicTheme v1.8, featuring comprehensive updates and enhancements to both our UIKit and Drupal theme. This release introduces new features, improved functionality, and important fixes. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

Form controls

In this release, we have fully refactored all form controls to serve as the basic building blocks for the new Field molecule component - a single component to handle from elements consistently.

The Checkbox, Radio, Select, Textarea, and Textfield components have been updated to match the new design specifications of version 1.8.

Additionally, form controls like Field Description and Field Message now support HTML content, and Fieldset components can be nested for more complex form structures.

3-column layout

We have introduced a new 3-column layout, designed to offer greater flexibility for your page structures. This layout features five distinct regions: top-left, bottom-left, main, top-right, and bottom-right. These regions are arranged using modern CSS grid rules, with a JavaScript fallback for enhanced compatibility. The column gaps are adjustable, providing finer control over the width, especially when only one sidebar is in use. This improvement ensures a more dynamic and customisable page layout experience.

This layout is integrated with a Drupal’s Layout Builder. Existing one-column layout will be automatically updated to use the new 3-column layout when you update your site to CivicTheme 1.8.

Storybook updates

We have added support for reusable stories, centralised helpers, and introduced new documentation pages to make it easier to use and navigate.

We also added a very robust testing system for grids and layouts.

Focal point

We now use the Focal Point module for better image handling and presentation within Cards: every card has own view mode and associated image style with pre-configured Focal Point setting.

Drupal 11 compatibility

The theme is fully compatible with Drupal 11: we addressed all deprecations and added a Drupal 11 CI job to check for compatibility on every commit.

Other fixes

Various fixes have been implemented to improve the overall functionality and reliability of the theme. These include resolving issues with automated list handling in Banner components, improving the provisioning script to reuse existing block UUIDs, and addressing errors in layout rendering when nodes are displayed by other themes. The update also includes improvements to coding standards, updates to dependencies, and fixes for content rendering issues.

For a detailed guide on updating to the latest version, please visit our documentation(Opens in a new tab/window). We recommend regenerating your sub-theme manually from the starter kit and integrating your overrides into the new theme.

  • Release notes

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